Great Expectations

Meet Miss Ainsleigh Brynn, The Newest Member Of Our Family

Friday, November 17, 2006

More Pictures

As promised, here are the pictures from yesterday's sonogram. First, we have her little heartbeat:

Yes, I said her. Confirmation thereof:

Her face looks a little creepy from the front. We are told this is because her bones have hardened but her face hasn't really fleshed out yet. Consequently we're basically getting a picture of her skull. To wit:

Lastly, remember last month's picture of little Ainsleigh fexing her arm? We get a similar picture again this month; this one was taken just before she shot her left elbow into Sarah in response to the pressure from the ultrasound machine:

It really cracks me up; it loks almost like the pose a bodybuilder or a pro wrestler might strike. Say it with me now....



  • At 12:51 AM, Blogger Adel said…

    That's awesome, man! Give her another month or so and there won't be room enough in there for her guns!


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